You, Me & The Universe

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Advanced Technologies in Heaven

Ronmamita's Blog

How can you know if someone is hiding the truth behind a joke?

The Vatican & Religion

The Vatican has already covered the angles, it seems. In 2008, its chief astronomer, José Gabriel Funes, publicly accepted that there could be life on other planets. “Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’?” he said. “It would still be part of creation.” Aliens might even be closer to God than us, Funes suggested, and humans could be the “lost sheep” of the universe. In other words, alien visitors might well have a more advanced religion than ours. Rather than baptising them, we might want to convert to their faith.

Posted 22 May 2014

The pope has said that he would baptise a Martian – but would they want our religions?

Pope Francis has speculated as to what would happen if an expedition of aliens wanted to convert to Christianity, but they’re…

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Story of Kaliya the snake

Krishna overcomes Kaliya the dreaded, multi-hooded snake in the River Yamuna and begins to dance on its several hoods. When the heels of Krishna strike the hoods, some break off and then get replaced by new ones. All the while Krishna keeps playing his sweet flute. 

Snake Kaliya with its numerous hoods symbolises the numerous desires we have. When one desire gets fulfilled, another arises, like the new hoods of Kaliya. The hoods keep breaking and forming, but Krishna is unperturbed. He keeps playing His flute, denoting the power of discrimination, of wisdom, of the focus on the bliss of Self. The wife of Kaliya prays to Krishna, that is, her prayer in which she desires her husband to come back whole leads to re-creation of the hoods. 

Kaliya questions Krishna: “O Lord! You are the Creator. You have created venomous snakes like me; you have also created gods who drink nectar. What is my fault in this? I am poisonous because nature has made me so.” The Srimad Bhagvatam says that on hearing this, Krishna falls silent. 

Krishna accepted Kaliya’s words of discrimination. Krishna is the true embodiment of wisdom. He replies: “Alright, I shall not kill you, but please leave this place. You are causing distress to many. My nature is to shower bliss and your acts are an obstruction to that.” Krishna spares Kaliya’s life. He does not kill him or snatch his venom from him, but asks him to go to another place, where perhaps he would learn to use venom only when absolutely necessary, in self-defence. 

In the same way, I do not ask you to eliminate desire, anger, greed and delusion that trouble you, but to change their course. You desire to obtain something or the other. Let this yearning be turned to attain God, to obtain inner peace, to yearn for silence and solitude or if you wish to enter public life, yearn for the welfare of the people. The orientation of your yearning, when changed, can lead you to God. The yearning for kama will get sublimated to attainment of Rama. In this manner, your wisdom will be put to good use. The same applies for anger. For how long will you try to suppress it? Just re-channelise it in a different direction. If greed overpowers you, then channelise it towards greed for doing more japa, more meditation, more acts of benevolence and acquiring more divine knowledge. The same goes for other attachments and passions. Sant Tulsidas has said: “Develop attachment towards the Lord, and equanimity towards the world.” 

“O Lord, I have experienced these worldly pleasures, now have mercy…” – 

Such a prayer shows your discrimination. However great may be the amount of praise, pleasures and comforts you attain – how long will they last and what will remain in the end? Therefore, yearn for real joy, the bliss of Self, the Atman. 

Your real Self, the Atman, is bliss personified. If there is sorrow, worry or fear, it is due to lack of discrimination. Keep awakening your power of discrimination. As you grow in discrimination, you will also grow in dispassion and gain the shat-sampatti, the six spiritual wealth of shama or mind control, dama or sense control, titiksha or forbearance, samadhan or freedom from doubt, shraddha or faith and Ishwar-pranidhan or concentration of mind on God. 

Then the yearning for moksha or liberation will automatically arise. Moksha means liberation from all sorrows forever and attainment of Supreme Bliss. 

(Satsang: Asaram Bapu) 

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Andromeda Council – Wakan Wochekiye – A Sacred Prayer

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Published on 29 Nov 2012
Wakan Wochekiye – A Dakota & Lakota Sacred Prayer

This prayer was given to me in a dream sequence & vision back in the summer of 2008. I give thanks & blessings to – Tunkashina / Tunkashila, Great Grandfather, Wakan Tanka, the Creator, Great Mystery – for sharing this beautiful and sacred prayer with me. Ninety-nine percent (99%) of what you read in this video is in its original form as I remembered it and wrote it down coming out of this vision… that is except for some minor punctuation.

I hope these words touch your soul deeply… as they did me.

This prayer is a gift to all of the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota… and all other indigenous people to Unci Maka/Grandmother, Ina Maka/Mother Earth & Turtle Island.

For the sake of clarification, the planet Dakote, home ancestral planet to the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota & many other Native People… it is in the Taygeta star system, located in Winchincala Sakowin, the Seven Sisters, known by the Lakota as the – 7 Little Girls, known by most people as – the Pleiades constellation.

Wodakota kodas and kolas.

Mitakuye Oya’sin

Mato Was’tečaka
Andromeda Council